Guest Column: Battlefield Lessons from Antietam and Gettysburg for Business Breakthroughs
Battlefield Lessons from Antietam and Gettysburg for Business Breakthroughs Chris Kolenda History’s greatest leaders faced chaos, uncertainty, and high stakes—just like you. The Battle of Antietam and the turning point at Gettysburg weren’t just military clashes; they were masterclasses in leadership under
Guest Column: A Post-Election Call to Entrepreneurs, by Seth Kahan
A Post-Election Call to Entrepreneurs The election is over. Whatever your stance, one thing is clear: democracy has done its job. Now, it’s up to us—citizens and entrepreneurs—to carry the work forward. As the dust settles, I pose two questions: What
Guest Column: Rethink Leadership: The Unexpected Power of Expectations
by Christian Muntean As happens in the hallowed halls of Harvard, two sets of students were given two different groups of rats to run through a maze. Dr. Robert Rosenthal, who was conducting the experiment, informed the students that one set
Guest Column: There Are Not Enough Product Marketers in the World
There Are Not Enough Product Marketers in the World But the work still needs to get done by Harvey Lee Product marketing (PMM) has become sought after in recent years because of its deep strategic insight into the go-to-market process. It sits at
Guest Column: Grow With More Debt, Not Less Debt
By Manny Skevofilax If managed carefully, debt can be your friend. If not, debt will become the enemy of your business. Do your best to use debt sparingly as you grow your business. Using debt is not immoral or illegal. We use
Guest Column: The Right Cite—Ignore at Your Peril
The Right Cite: Ignore at Your Peril Linda Popky Claudine Gay recently resigned as president of Harvard College. Her short tenure was tumultuous, with a disastrous appearance before Congress to address allegations of antisemitism on campus. It turns out that wasn’t her only
Guest Column: Better Than Nothing
Better Than Nothing By Linda Henman, Ph.D. During a recent trip to Germany, I noticed an outdoor latrine with the words “besser als nichts” written above the door. I laughed when the tour guide translated the words: better than nothing. As someone
Chip Bell’s Forbes Article on AI and the Customer Experience
AI and the customer experience from my learned buddy, Chip Bell, as it appears in Forbes:
Guest Column: How to ruin the happiest country in the world?
(Note: I was an exchange student in high school, winding up in Finland, where my counterpart would go on to be Finnish Ambassador to Australia and France. I haven't done so bad, either! JP, the author of this piece and
Guest Column: Business Analysis—Finding What Drives Your Business
Business Analysis: Finding What Drives Your Business by Manny Skevofilax Measuring and managing your cash flow is an important piece of your business analysis. Both struggling businesses and those experiencing explosive growth can feel overwhelmed while trying to balance essential and extraneous