Who, me? Yeah, you.
When 10% of a car model's brakes fail, do you blame the million people in that 10% for being inept at using brakes, or do you recall the cars because the manufacturer made an error? What if the problem involved
Hello?! Can Anyone Hear Me?
The glory of speaking is that you get immediate feedback, through questions, laughter, disappointment, pushback. With writing, you have no idea, no immediate feedback. That's why so many people are depressed by a single "unsubscribe!"
Car Bullies
You know those people who won't stop to let you turn against traffic, or refuse to let you merge, or race off at the green light hoping to leave you behind? They all have esteem issues, trying to make themselves
Leveraging Performance
People ask me all the time how many hours a week I work, how I can work so hard, how I create so much "bandwidth." The fact is that I "work" less than almost anyone. I don't seek perfection, so I
Ghost Busters: Weary of “Ghosting”?
Ghostbusters July 22, 2014 Learn how to prevent people from “ghosting” and what to do in case they do refuse to return calls and emails. However, my methods for avoiding this entirely are highly effective, and can be applied immediately—in fact, as
Some Thoughts on Fighting for Success
I'm interviewed here: Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/in-the-arena-of-success/id1744215042
Help, I Need Somebody!
If you're not doing as well as you believe you should growing your business, look inward, not outward. It's not the economy, technology, competition, generational change, or climate change, it's you. Find out what you can be doing to improve
Success Is Not A Mystery
Some people feel that asking questions in a public setting set them aside as less intelligent. Some people feel that asking questions in a public setting is what educates and improves them and others. Guess who succeed more?
On Gratification
"Immediate gratification" is a part of our existence, but it shouldn't represent our primary focus. (And I realize that I transitioned from corporate consulting to individual advisory work because it is more immediately gratifying than the sloth-like movement of bureaucracies.) If
Importance and Passion
Some things are important for the world around us, and some things are highly pleasurable and motivating. When those exist concurrently, we have a "calling" or an especially rewarding career. It doesn't have to be lofty. Some people love carpentry