Personal Strategy
Here is a sequence I find highly effective in coaching top performers: Who do you want to be in a year? (Example: Known as a philanthropist or patron; seen as a thought leader; quoted and cited as an expert.) What
When you push a book that's on a table, the book will move. However, if you push a book that's resting against a wall, it will not move, no matter how hard you push. With prospects and clients, are you on
To Do or Not To Do, That Is the Question
Consider eliminating "to do" lists and starting a "to create list." If you focus on what your outcome should be, as opposed to your tasks, you may just find that you don't need nearly as many steps to get there.
Doing, Not Dreaming
If you are still trying to do something you begin three months ago, that's not good. If it were six months ago, that's terrible. And if it were longer than that, you're just kidding yourself about really attempting to do
How to Write An Article in 30 Minutes
Determine what you want the reader to take away. Identify 3-6 key points. Write a 3-4 sentence opening paragraph that is provocative or catchy. Discuss each point, including a story or example, sometimes a visual. Summarize with 3-4 sentences,
Our guide in Athens knew everything about the Acropolis, ancient Greece, modern Greece, the church, political matters, and art. Unfortunately, she told us about all of them when we really wanted to see and hear about the Acropolis! Over half of
Are You Feeling What I Feel?
Be sensitive to the fact that on many occasions, you're trying to influence, cajole, argue with or otherwise obtain something from a person who simply isn't as bright or capable as you are. That person may be a gate agent,
Give Me the Ball, There’s Still Time
The Boston Celtics won their opening round playoff series after losing the first two of the best-of-seven games at home. They won the next four in a row on the road and at home. Now they've won their first game
Failure Work
"Failure work" is work, as I define it, that's being done because the original attempt was wrong, unsuccessful, or didn't work. We all experience it, from the minor toils of recovering something we dropped to the major hassle of retracing
On the Road Again
In Italy, almost every main road is only two lanes in each direction. And drivers stay right, except to pass. Rarely do you have to use your high beams. Everyone realizes that unless you get out of the way of