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Common Sense Consulting™ Weekly Videos

Common Sense Consulting™ Weekly Videos

Common Sense Consulting Weekly®: Based on my sold-out teleconference and New York workshop, receive a five-minute video every week describing a consulting practice or methodology that is quick, reduces labor intensity, and increases value (and, therefore, fees). I'll send you one every week for 50 weeks for a dollar a working day: $250. Sign up before August 31, and it's only $200!!


The ROI on this investment will be ginormous. Become a charter member—we begin, appropriately, Labor Day week (in the US). We already have 50 subscribers. A buck a day to earn tens of thousands a year and reduce your labor intensity significantly. Come on, you spend that much on non-essentials, like bread and water!

It's less than a tank of gas these days, but it will provide you with tremendous horsepower and great mileage.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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