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CRM Help Wanted

CRM Help Wanted

I have a client who is seeking a consultant to assist his small business with CRM. Specifically, he needs to find out what CRM software makes the most sense for his needs and his growing business. IF THIS IS YOUR EXPERTISE (not merely your experience with CRM and a recommendation), contact Peter Meyers. You can reach him at [email protected]. Tell him you heard of this from me.

I want to emphasize, this must be your expertise, not merely your experience with particular software. Please don't write to me about this.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 3

  • Dave Gardner

    February 3, 2012

    It sounds as if your client wants to tell consultants what the solution to his problem is: CRM. Software alone is seldom “the solution.” CRM software properly integrated with his people and his business process needs can solve problems assuming the software is actually used by his people–a huge problem. What problems is your client looking to solve? Up to 80% of CRM projects fail to deliver on the expectations of the executive sponsor. Why? It’s not just about the software. Your client is starting off asking the wrong question in my view.

  • Alan Weiss

    February 3, 2012

    Excuse me, but I don’t care about your view.

    1. I told you not to write me.
    2. A client you never met has a need and your critiquing his need from a distance?
    3. You’re assuming both my client and I are somehow damaged or uninformed.

    I’m not interested in being lectured about what CRM can and can’t do in your view, and it’s completely irrelevant to what I asked for in terms of help for a client.

  • Graham Franklin

    February 5, 2012

    a question of hubris overcoming enquiry.

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