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Dream On

Dream On

Have. you ever visited an arcade and played the machine that has a derrick or crane mechanism that you can control to hover over an object? The prizes are stuffed toys usually. When ideally positioned by your controls, you push the button and the mechanism descends with open jaws, grasps the prize, rises—and then drops it before you can maneuver it to the chute that would send it to you.

The prizes are soft, don't have readily accessible “grab points,” and the crane has very little pressure to hold things. It looks so easy, but you're better off playing Whack-A-Mole (which allows me to work off my stress from the other machine).

Life's like that. If it looks too easy, it usually is a disappointment and deceptive. Some people get lucky but the vast preponderance do not. (I'm in LA at the moment where every waiter, valet, dentist, and clerk is “really” an actor or screenwriter!) You need to pursue things that can be realistically attained, and you need to apply a lot of pressure to hold on.

People scoff at this by telling me they're “following their dream.” I'm all for dreams and passionate pursuit of goals, fair enough. But you can follow your dream right off a cliff.

I favor creating your own reality, one that is so rewarding that it becomes your dream.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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