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Facing Facebook

Facing Facebook

Starting your day on Facebook can be even more depressing than the slanted, early morning news. Here are some of the tropes that are widely used and also useless:

• Why can't we do that in the US? This usually cites some social welfare approach in a country that could fit into Central Park and ignores the impracticality of doing it here (or the stupidity of the idea).

• We don't do this because we're too busy building missiles. The writers of this seem to think that someone in Washington decides to spend money on defense rather than on highway construction, as if it's a matter of putting cash into envelopes.

• We need more humility. No we don't, we need more leadership, and the bromide that great leaders are humble is usually uttered by humble people who wish they could be leaders. When is the last time you sought a humble doctor, attorney, or consultant?

• Why is no one backing me up? Where are my friends? People who post on Facebook use a sole metric, which is how many people “like” and support them. They seek to be loved, want their points reinforced, because basically, well, they're too humble to stand up to varying and opposing opinions.

Of course, reading Facebook first thing in the morning will remind you how bright, blessed, and intelligent you are!


Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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