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How to Find and Capitalize on High Potential Prospects

How to Find and Capitalize on High Potential Prospects

This is some of the material discussed recently at my 627 (six figures to seven figures) group:

1. Search for those  with a successful history of using consultants and who require your particular expertise.

2. Consider yourself an expert, not a “consultant.”

3. Expand the buyer's objectives.

4. Present an option that includes a retainer.

5. Build dependency on your expertise so that you are the first choice.

6. Maintain relationships solely with high level people, so that they are your peers.

7. Act and appear as a success.

8. Don't let a “one-off” piece of business divert you from the main thrust of your business and passion.

9. Attain thought leadership to attract people to you.

10. Discuss your proposals with a coach or trusted colleagues before submitting them.

11. Walk away from small, distracting work.

12. Make your marketing constant and continual, not situational. Avoid the roller coaster.

© Alan Weiss 2013

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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