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I’m Dreaming of A Better New Year

I’m Dreaming of A Better New Year

Irving Berlin, the amazing songwriter, was Jewish. He wrote White Christmas in 1942, while sitting amongst the palm trees in snowless southern California. Bing Crosby's original version alone sold 50 million copies, and other versions created total sales of 100 million. Berlin is cited as saying to his secretary, “Take down this song I wrote over the weekend, it's probably the greatest song anyone ever wrote.”

Whether true or not, the statement is pretty accurate. If a Jewish guy living where there's no snow can write a song about a Christian holiday with global appeal, I think we're all quite capable of understanding people who aren't exactly like us a whole lot more than we're given credit for. Berlin had a capitalist and creative motivation. We should have a  moral motivation.

I might not be able to walk in your shoes, but I can listen and try to understand what it's like.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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