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Establish a minimum and maximum objective for your meetings—I call it “min/max.” What's the minimum achievement you would consider successful, and what's the maximum? In a meeting with a buyer, the minimum might be to agree to a more in-depth discussion in the near future, and the maximum might be agreement to consider a proposal in the next 24 hours.

Having these metrics enables you to calibrate your success. If you fail to meet the minimums repeatedly, they are either too lofty or your skills need improving, If you constantly meet the maximums then you may be aiming too low.

The same technique works for your personal writing, projects, and overall time use. I want to write between five and ten pages from 9 to 10 am. I need to make 3 to 6 referral requests this afternoon.

If you don't have min/max metrics, you really don't know how well you're doing.

I had a guy tell me once his only objective was to walk out of every client meeting with a signed contract. I asked if he had heard of Willy Loman. “No,” he said, “what department is he in?”


Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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