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Royalty and Ancient Ritual

Royalty and Ancient Ritual

Watching the marvelously-acted “The Crown” on TV, I'm stunned at the protocols of the British royals and I understand why Americans want to watch and savor royalty at a distance, but not at home.

I think the same holds true for many organizations. They adhere to almost ancient protocols that have no place in modern times and are merely subsidized without return on investment. Most companies are too “top heavy” with senior management; they funnel customers into a maze of menus and dead ends; they vest the founders with gnostic powers about everything when, in reality, they simply knew everything about their own work.

Airlines still want us to believe that flight attendants are there for our safety and not our comfort, and schools want us to believe that teachers immersed in “education” instead of content can best teach our children. (And, for that matter, that bricks and mortar constitute proper schools.)

Accidents of birth don't impress me. Contribution does. If you were born on third base, that doesn't go into the books as a triple.

© Alan Weiss 2017

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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