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There was the predicted two inches of snow in the Providence, RI area last night. The start, ending, and amount were precisely forecast by the 3,400 “meteorologists” employed by the media in these parts. (We should look at our state budget with that kind of rigor.) What no one mentioned very much was that it was a Saturday night, no commuters, rain would wash most of it away, and Monday is a national holiday. I'm writing this on Sunday when it's going to be in the mid-40s.

We drove into Providence in 20 minutes (it usually takes 15), parked in a nearly empty lot, had dinner in a restaurant that was doing at least two seatings, and watched Shen Yun, the classic Chinese dance company, in the Providence Performing Arts Center, a beautifully restored classic theater. It was perhaps two-thirds filled.

People who succeed in life adjust their behaviors to the times, they don't let the times intimidate them. It's prudent to stay out of a blizzard, it's foolhardy to change your life because of a modest snowfall that's easily handled. The same applies in business. Your plane may be delayed by weather, your client may be forced to cancel a call, you may be trying to overcome a cold. So what, soldier through. Man-up. Woman-up.

You only come this way once. You don't get a second lap around the track. I'd suggest you do your best to stay in the race.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 2

  • James McHugh

    January 19, 2020

    Well said Alan….

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