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Structuring A Successful Hour Meeting (With An Economic Buyer)

Structuring A Successful Hour Meeting (With An Economic Buyer)

First 10-15 minutes: Pleasantries, build a relationship, determine other person's style, create credibility and trust. Offer some value. Typical question: “What prompted you to see me?”

Second 10-15 minutes: Discuss issues of importance which may lend themselves to a project. Provide more value. Pivot the discussion when necessary to keep the discussion in the “boat channel” you design. Typical question: “I'm confident I can help you in these areas, how can we best work together?”

Third 10-15 minutes: Segue the discussion into conceptual agreement on objectives, metrics for success, and value. Elicit at least one metric for every objective, and three value statements for every objective. Monetize at least half of all value statements. Typical question: “What would be the impact on your business of meeting this objective?”

Fourth 10-15 minutes: Review and solidify the conceptual agreement, agree further on a time and date to discuss the proposal you will provide in the next 24 hours. Typical question: “Are there any possible obstacles or competing priorities which might prevent you from choosing one of the options I present in the proposal, other than fee, which we haven't yet discussed?”

There are 40-60 minutes which, if you can master, will easily make you into a million dollar consultant. (And no, that wasn't a metaphor.)

© Alan Weiss 2016

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 2

  • Jimmy Shatara

    July 5, 2016

    Straight to the point, helpful and professional. Great information.

    Speaking of being a Million Dollar Consulting, if I’m starting out to be a solo practitioner, should I read “Million Dollar Consulting” first (already have read 3/4s) and if not which books should I pick up?

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