The Dog Star: The Eagle Has Landed
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. – Astrological Definition)
I'm writing in my den on Saturday and gaze out the window to find an example, and to my shock see our eagle below me in the back yard on the ground. He's looking around as if he belongs on a gold piece. Beneath him I see something. When I pick up my binoculars, I can see he's caught a squirrel. In the next minute he flies off. I'm stunned.
I immediately issue orders (I fancy myself in command of a battleship) that Buddy Beagle is not to be allowed out without Koufax, our German shepherd. This would rarely happen in any rate in pack behavior, but I didn't want to take any chances.
With that, my daughter, who was visiting for the weekend, picks up a lap top computer and finds that an eagle's lifting power is only about 3-4 pounds. That's safely (to be kind) below Buddy's fighting weight, since he's a rather substantial beagle, coming in at about 24 pounds.
None of this should have surprised me since, watching Koufax race after a squirrel himself one day, I immediately found out on my computer that his top speed was about 32 MPH for limited durations.
If we can find these things out within a minute with the right access, why can't consultants find out about their prospects, clients, referrals, competition, and so forth with equal ease and immediacy? I'll tell you why—because they often don't bother to identify who those people are. And that's really not hard, if you just discipline yourself to do it.
In fact, it's a lot harder trying to lift Buddy Beagle.
© Alan Weiss 2011. All rights reserved.