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The Prophet

The Prophet

I noted in both video and textual work I've done recently that chargers for electronic equipment should be as available as electric outlets in hotels, airports, etc. Today's Times reports that iPads and charging stations for personal electronics are available, courtesy of Delta, in two restaurants in its Kennedy Airport terminal.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 5

  • Alan Weiss

    December 20, 2010

    Do you expect someone to move when you want to use an electrical outlet? Everyone has a right to public spaces. Sometimes you just have to wait your turn. I’ve seen motorcycles take up a full parking space that a car could fit into, but that’s their right. That’s life.

  • Jay Werth

    December 20, 2010

    It’s irksome when someone sits next to an outlet munching on a sandwich, with no electric tethering required. Typically, outlets are limited in the general waiting areas in airports. I’ve politely asked people to move, which they’ve done, but not without that “look.” – “Hey jerk, I was here first and just because your device needs recharging or a charge shouldn’t inconvenience me.”

  • Tim Wilson

    December 21, 2010


    Just wanted to share what I saw an interesting solution to this problem. I was in a Panera’s which have very few electrical outlets. This one customer had a power strip plugged in to one of the few available and willingly invited others who needed juice to plug into his power strip.

    It may not be and ideal solution (you know with all the cords possibility someone tripping over them) but it was a novel solution to what can be a vexing problem.

    Happy Holidays

  • Bill Conerly

    December 24, 2010

    If you are ever at a hotel without your charger, just stop by the bell station and ask if they have any. Out comes the big box of chargers left by past guests. Pull the right one out and take it with you. Cool service.

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