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Thinking Big

Thinking Big

Think big. If you want big projects, big buyers, big notice—think big. I was asked recently for a donation for plans for an arts group. I'll make a small donation, but not a larger one because they weren't thinking big enough to excite me.

Don't make small plans. We're here to make waves, not stick our toes in the water.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 2

  • Beatrice M. Chretien

    August 2, 2017

    Hi Alan,

    Thanks for sharing your experience with us; you’re an inspiration and a role model for me.
    Re one of your tweets: my hardest hurdle to increase business is to get to meet the CEO, the one who has the power to buy. Most of the time, I get to know the Vice Presidents all right but they can be reluctant to offer a recommandation, as if they were offering me some big present with nothing in return.
    Can you offer some tip on how to network for those of us who are not yet nationwide famous?

    many thanks, take care.

    beatrice from Paris -France.

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