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We Get Letters….

We Get Letters….

No matter what kind of market you're in, my approaches will work if you have the discipline:


I'd like you to know I purchased “Million Dollar Consulting” and “Million Dollar Consulting Proposals” and read them cover to cover while on travel from client to client. I decided to try your proposal method on an existing client who needed extensive help and who fully trusted me. I'm a healthcare consultant and work with physician practices nationwide. I WAS an hourly paid consultant. NO MORE! I drafted the proposal, sent it off, and a few days later the doctor requested a phone meeting… “Tania, just wondering if I choose option 2 (valued at $72,000) will I be able to opt in for more services or upgrade to option 3 later?”… YES!
The check is on it's way!
I want you to know that your method worked for me 100% right out of the gate. I took a big leap of faith but I believe that I'm only as smart as my advisors and you advised me through your books.
So Alan… Thank you very much!
I hope to meet you sometime in person.
With all the best,
Tania Bolla
Principal Consultant
Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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