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Why You Won’t Find Me on LinkedIn These Days

Why You Won’t Find Me on LinkedIn These Days

Linkedin arbitrarily informed me earlier this week that they weren't sure I'm really who I am (after many years of membership), and I had to provide proof. I send in my passport photo. They said they'd review it. Within five minutes they told me I was permanently suspended “for violating their code of conduct.”

Maybe I was hacked (my technical people are looking into it), and maybe I'm stuck in some algorithm “doom loop.” But I'll tell you this: Welcome to the new world of Big Brother, where software and a low level employee can follow dumb rules and decide whether you can be heard or not.

I can live entirely without LinkedIn or any social media. But you have to begin to wonder about the lack of control over what are, in effect, public utilities of information and communication that are in private, non-objective hands. That's the threat to freedom. Those are the violations of “codes of conduct.”

Not me.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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