Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 03/25/2019
I explain to people whom I coach that they should never assume the other person is somehow "damaged." Too many consultants assume immediately that the boss is the problem, even though the boss was smart enough to hire them for
Organizing A Marketing Event
If you want to hold an event to attract prospects and mix them with clients, you'll need ideally: A strong brand A topic of perceived high value An outstanding venue Confirmed participants who are well known to prospects A significant
Situational Morality
The students of Brown University are petitioning the administration to disinvest funds in any company dealing with Israel on the premise that the Palestinian people are oppressed by Israel. This, in a university named after the family of its original
What If God Had Self-Edited?
(Self-editing: The obsession with the belief that what you are about to say or write or have already written is not good enough and must be improved without end.) • Maybe there should be 12 Commandments? • Did I make enough light? •
Lower Than Pond Scum
There are quite a few pursuits that people engage in which really lend and add nothing to society in terms of value. One is multi-level marketing (Ponzi schemes), for example. Another is the phony demands to renew trademarks which do
Episode 76: Invective
When people go ballistic, they're really trying to blow themselves up. If you spend any amount of waking time disconsolate over a football game loss, hating people who tell you to get a life, and if you're angry all the time,
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 03/20/19
Today's word: otiose.
Listen Up!
The first 90 seconds of your speech will determine how closely people will listen after that. You'd better capture their attention right from the outset or you'll be competing with email, lunch choices, and car loans for the rest of the
You Get What You Pay For
Anyone who seeks out a coach or advisor based on price and not talent and value doesn't deserve a coach and won't benefit from a good one. This includes the entire human resources function in almost every organization.