Has anyone suffered, recreationally or entertainment-wise, from the great writers' and actors' strike?. I haven't. There is a plethora of multi-season great shows, movies, and streaming that easily fill watching time on Apple or Hulu or Netflix, et. al. Sports
A Minute with Alan® — Who’s Less Vile
September 8th, 2023 People are voting for the lesser evil because they see the other as more evil.
Few conditions require that you rush like crazy (maybe catching a plane or performing the Heimlich maneuver). Otherwise, take a breath (or a day). Decisions usually don't improve by taking a long time and procrastinating, but they are definitely endangered
The Room Isn’t Moving
After an 8-day cruise, I felt as if the hotel room in Vancouver were rolling somewhat! We often retain elements of our last environment. But our self-esteem should be strong and constant. Not as low as our last setback (didn't make
A Minute with Alan® — Virtue Signalling
September 7th, 2023 I’m more interested in your actions.
An Open Mind
Remember, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. We don't know if there's life elsewhere in the universe. Sometimes an open mind is far better than an unchallenged certainty.
The Deep Blue Sea
We live in what we think is a crowded world—traffic jams, noisy streets, filled restaurants, multi-media blaring at us. Then you go to sea and find you can sail for days with a 360° view of the ocean around you, and
A Minute with Alan® — The Pharmacy License
September 6th, 2023 Do you need a license to drive these things?