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A Chance to Grow

A Chance to Grow

The tree in the middle of this photo was once a small sapling growing out of a rotting railroad tie that separated plants on part of our property. I told the gardeners to leave it alone, and I had to do that for three years running.

Today, it's over 30 feet and is a striking evergreen in the circle in front of our home. I felt as if I saved it, and now it's rewarding me.

There's a huge movement today toward “reducing clutter.” Fair enough, but be careful about what you consider “clutter” in your personal and professional life. If it's “dead” and can't be of further help, then toss it or give it away. But if something can grow or be used int he future, you can't reclaim it once you get rid of it. And I've found that some things—whether relationships or hobbies or personal growth—simple take some time in order for us to appreciate the outcome. Don't think that merely throwing things out is necessarily progress.

By all means get your life in order. But give things a chance to grow.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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