Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 01/06/2020
The sole American highspeed train, the Acela, is capable of 186 MPH, but can only manage about 150 MPH and then only on three sections of track in the total 460 miles from Boston to Washington, DC. That’s because the roadbed—the track—can’t sustain higher speeds.
Cars are routinely capable of about 150 MPH, and two of mine can do 200 MPH, but even if it were legal and safe, the roads can’t provide the basis for driving at that speed.
Highspeed boats become unusable and dangerous when the ocean is at a certain level of turbulence. A rogue wave can sink a huge ship. Passenger aircraft become uncomfortable and even dangerous when there are strong winds.
The vehicle we’re in is reliant on the conditions within which it operates. The same applies to our lives. No matter how well we take care of ourselves, we’re reliant on our relationships, environment, and interactions.
In other words, no matter what our talents and behaviors, we need to invest in the infrastructure of our lives.
What good is speed if the brain has oozed out on the way.—St. Jerome
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