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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 07/19/2021

Alan Weiss's Monday Morning Memo

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 07/19/2021


I'm writing this from Asbury Park, NJ, on the Jersey Shore (other coasts have beaches, but Jersey has “the shore” as Billy Joel sings in “Allentown”). When I was younger, I came here infrequently because we couldn't afford anything more than a night in a cheap motel, or a day trip in cars that overheated in ghastly traffic coming home.

But now we've come every summer like migratory birds for over 40 years with two more generations of family. And we've progressed from inexpensive motels and one room to rental houses and swank hotels on the beach. The car doesn't overheat and it has air conditioning, but the traffic can still be dreadful.

And despite the fact I've been to over 60 countries, from Bora Bora to Brazil, and Greece to the Great Barrier Reef, it's comforting to return every year to familiar sands. There is a stasis which permits reflection and appreciation, reminding me of where I'm from and the ensuing journey. It's a reminder that we've wanted our kids and their kids to understand.

“It's a nice place to have been from” is often the faint praise bestowed on one's “native land.” But I wouldn't be who I am if I hadn't been from here. No matter how much I've “made it” in life, I always manage to “make it back.”

When I slid into third base safely I realized I had hit a triple. I certainly wasn't born on third.


You never get away from that thing in your hometown that it has over you. You don't outgrow where you come from. —Brian Fallon

The most powerful words in English are “Tell me a story,” words that are intimately related to the complexity of history, the origins of language, the continuity of the species, the taproot of our humanity, our singularity, and art itself. —Pat Conroy

Million Dollar Consulting® for the World: I’ve provided 14 modules with videos from me, from your colleagues globally, slides, and text. They include everything from launch to self-esteem, proposals to fees, closing business to creating a brand. No upsells! It’s only $95 during this month. Fee increases August 1. What do you think about a 10,000:1 ROI? https://milliondollarconsultingcourse.com

Fishbowl II: The first was so successful that this four-week series will begin again, this time with examples for coaching and advising top executives and “speed coaching.” Learn how to advise the key people at high fees with low labor. Is that worth 90 minutes of your time once a week?  https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/fishbowl-ii/

MacKay CEO Forums: “As it’s played out, I enjoy the time I spend with the CEOs in my Forums, it’s extremely fulfilling to play a part in their growth and success as a Chair, we’re handsomely compensated for our contribution and our unique value. The unexpected benefits in becoming a MacKay CEO Forums Chair are the insights I’m using to grow my core business.” —Steve Foran   Watch the videos here https://vimeo.com/386822896/e8edba1658 You can add over a quarter million dollars to your practice remotely. Nancy@mackayceoforums.com

Beyond Success: What do you want to do when you grow up?! What happens “beyond success” and beyond a “mid-life crisis”? Explore this with me in an intimate session where I’ll share my experiences in successfully coaching people through this all over the world in this highly interactive Zoom session. https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/post-mid-life-crisis/

The Consulting Bible II: Publisher John Wiley has told me this is one of the “highest momentum second editions in their experience.” Spend an interactive Livestream session with me as I walk you through, visually, my comprehensive approach to building and accelerating a dynamic consulting practice. You can ask questions in “real-time” or before or after. https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/consulting-bible-ii/

By Invitation Only: This is my “invitation” to you to be considered for my annual retreat with just a dozen colleagues. We discuss business challenges, new IP, thought leadership, financial planning, and a great deal more. We’ll be at the Four Seasons in Palm Beach September 21-23. The fee is $16,000 and includes meals and lodging. Partners are welcome and the socializing is also fantastic. Write me: [email protected]. Two seats remain.

Getting Started and Re-energizing Your Practice—In Atlanta: Boston and LA sold out and now I’m leading this full-day event in Atlanta, only $250 and I’m buying lunch! Extensive interaction while I cover fees, proposals, the three kinds of immediate sale, the five types of short-term business, how to be an instant peer of the buyer, creating your own unique “vault” and much more! “You exceeded my expectations, and you over-delivered! I kept waiting for an ‘upsell’ but it neve came.” —Brian Rollo.  Register here while there is room: https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/getting-started-in-and-reenergizing-your-consulting-practice/ A full day with me is usually $20,000. If you don’t mind a few more people in the room, this is a great deal!!

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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