Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 08/19/2019
I was talking to my daugher here in Nantucket last night about her work as an independent show-runner who also pitches her own shows. She’s quite successful at it, though I get tired just listening to how hard she works. At one point she mentioned a “sizzle reel” to promote a new show concept.
I once had a sizzle reel for my keynote speaking. I don’t anymore. At its height, the speaking aspect of my practice involved about 30 speeches a year, and I’m at the highest fee range of non-celebrity speakers. I haven’t used or needed a speaker’s bureau for the last decade or more. But I’ve “stopped” doing keynotes, and last year I delivered only six for clients who knew me and asked. I don’t miss it.
I have no trouble “letting go.” This year is the last for my organizing the Million Dollar Consulting® College (12 years), Thought Leadership (9 years), and the Mentor Summit (over 15 years). Of course, I am going to Dubrovnik and Hanoi this year for business, and holding the Million Dollar Consulting® Convention in Sydney next March and I’ll be in India later that year. I’m launching six new learning experiences, my 56th new work comes out at year-end (Fearless Leadership) and when I’m home I’m working about 20 hours a week.
I tell you this because you can’t “reach out” unless you “let go.” If we allow our activities to accrete they become stalgmites and stalagtites in the pathways of our lives, and pretty soon we can’t walk, but only crawl through life. I jettison things to stay light on my feet and to clear the path. If you feel you never have enough time, and can never relax, consider the fact that some things in your life are there simply because they’ve always been there. Maybe it’s time to throw them off the train.
Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. — John F. Kennedy
Getting Started in Consulting Or Reenergizing Your Practice: I’ve established a very inexpensive day ($600) with me in Boston for those who can’t afford my higher-end offerings (or who just like a bargain!). I’m even buying lunch. Spend six hours with me to learn the best practices in setting up a solo consulting operation or boutique practice, or reenergizing your current one. Register while there’s still room. Click here to subscribe.
Six Figures to Seven (627): Gain the next level you need for your aspirations and lifestyle, no matter what the level of income. Over my 30 years in this business, I’ve helped people in my global community increase annualized revenues collectively by about $900 million. That is not a misprint. Spend two days with me and you’ll see how it’s done. Click here to subscribe.
Critical Thinking Skills: Here’s where you can learn my methods for more quickly solving problems, making decisions, creating innovation, resolving conflict, and a great deal more. CNBC called me “The CEO Whisperer” in a major profile featuring my executive coaching. Here’s what I’m whispering. Click here to subscribe.
Million Dollar Consulting® College: This is the last scheduled College after a dozen years. Join a small number of people who will work with me in an intensive 2.5-day session to master the best practices in branding, closing business, creating high-value and low-labor projects, becoming a trusted advisor, maximizing life balance, and much more. Includes 30 days of coaching with me at a world-class property. Click here to subscribe.