Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 12/02/2019
In his book, Factfulness, the late Hans Rosling told the story of an intern who nearly lost her arm when she placed it between closing elevator doors in an Asian country. After the emergency was averted, she explained that in her country the doors automatically reversed when an electric eye was triggered. “What on earth would make you think our elevators were programmed in the same way?” asked their astounded host.
We tend to take things for granted. After all, it’s a global village, right? Those of us in America see our “culture” all over the world in clothing, music, and even language.
I’ve found the “programming” to be very different in various organizations. Some are formal, some informal; some are risk averse, some are gamblers; some innovate daily and others defend their turf. I make no value judgments other than to say I try not to be so arrogant as to assume any one client is like the last one, or any one buyer is identical to another. I try to adjust and be “in the moment.”
My wife and I were in an elevator in the headquarters of Textron in Providence, heading for a board meeting of a non-profit. The car stopped between floors and wouldn’t move. I calmly picked up the phone and reported the problem, asking how long before we could expect help. I was told 48 hours.
“What!?” I said, quickly losing my cool. “Why would it take you two days to get here from the lobby?”
“You’re speaking to Otis Elevator in Hartford, Connecticut,” the operator explained, and it’s a weekend.” I asked my wife when was the last time she had eaten.
The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, the public debt should be reduced and the arrogance of public officials should be controlled.—Ross Perot
Establishing Dynamic Communities: This is the first time I’ve ever provided the steps to form communities like mine—corporate or retail—which feature the “Chain Reaction of Attraction™” and the specific techniques to enable your clients to market for you to each other and to prospects by providing the great value of connectivity. Limited seating. Subscribe here.
Top Shelf with Top Gun: The best of the best practices for rapidly closing business and maximizing the three sales: initial, referral, and expansion. At the same time we’ll create labor-reducing delivery which results in huge increases in income at half the labor. How can you not attend this? Subscribe here.
Million Dollar Consulting® Convention: In Sydney, Australia, on the harbor, with international speakers and attendance (we’re at 60 already) and we have room for 80. In 2.5 highly intense days, experience three main stage and 12 concurrent sessions, a “breakfast with the stars,” and luncheon and reception networking events. This is a one-time opportunity in Australia, and Australians and New Zealanders have a special discount. Subscribe here.
Getting Started in Consulting and Reenergizing Your Practice: This was sold out in Boston and I’m presenting it in LA in April. The fee is only $300 (but only for the next month) and I’m buying lunch. I’m doing this especially for people who can’t attend my more expensive offerings, but it’s open to all and we had a lot of “veterans” in Boston. This is a high-powered, high-energy, entertaining, and enlightening six hours that I won’t be doing again on the West Coast. Subscribe here.