You’re Wrong Because…Because….You’re A Clown!
It's fascinating how quickly disagreements degenerate into ad hominem attacks. It's because when someone runs into facts undermining their position that can't be argued, they simply attack the character of the person providing them. It's frighteningly like a trial, where a
I’m Asking for A Friend
You cannot help people who don't want to be helped. Stop wasting your time. Example; Them: I can't seem to acquire referrals. Me: Are you asking your clients for referrals? Them: No, I feel it's intrusive and I won't do it. Me: Are you
Measles Aren’t A Myth
The fact that kids are sick, and some have died, in Texas and New Mexico in this day and age from measles because they weren't vaccinated to me represents arrant stupidity and child abuse. In an age of AI and International
Are You in Control?
I can now create charts and diagrams and drawings using AI, as can you. That will jeopardize some artists and software companies. CPAs and tax work seem very susceptible to me, as do air traffic controllers and actuaries. No one, no
The Price of Coffee and Other Existential Issues
This morning, pulling up at the coffee shop with the dogs, a huge recycling truck was emptying 14 bins from the curb in front of the store. It's a one-man truck. A worker for the store, hired for this purpose,
Learning in Defeat
Do you learn daily? Even from a "defeat" or setback, you can learn. You can ask the buyer who rejected your proposal, "What could I have done better to earn your business?" You can ask a furious customer or client,
Not “How Did He Win?” but Rather “How Did We Lose?”
I recall New York arts critic Pauline Kael shocked that Richard Nixon had won because "none of her friends voted for him." Of course, her "friends" were a coterie of very liberal people on Manhattan's upper east side. However, the
I Asked for An Answer, Not A Keynote Speech
The longer the response I receive from someone who has been questioned, the more suspicious I become. "Doth protest too much," you know? I asked if you knew you were late, not about your parents' early criticisms and the negative comparisons
No Job Is Guaranteed Outside Being the Pope
There are a lot of people on social media complaining and whining about losing their government job. I realize that may be a harsh and sudden shock for them, and for some it may be very unfair. But the degree of
There Is No Title that Says “C-Suite” or “VITO”
It's become fashionable to talk about "Vito" (Very Important Top Officer) in marketing, thought it sound more like a mob leader to me. People also throw around "C-suite" as if it denotes some exclusive gathering areas of executives, like ancient