A Minute with Alan® — The Vet
September 1st, 2023 It’s not about a job or career. It’s about a calling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdZgBkCNYcA
A Minute with Alan® — The Light
August 31st, 2023 Take your time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fER5mgqKUrM
Hearing Voices
We walked to.a restaurant in Anchorage last night, using the "maps" app to guide us. This voice in my pocket continued to give us directions as my wife and I chatted along the way. This must be what it's like
A Note to Customer-Facing People
There's a difference between legitimately not knowing the answer to a customer or client's question, and simply demonstrating that you don't care. (We used to call this TNMJ: That's not my job.) In escalating order: I don't know. I'm sorry, I don't know. I'm
A Minute with Alan® — Snideness
August 30th, 2023 Rudeness is a choice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIDXl0oPnQw
A Minute with Alan® — Introvert: Extrovert
August 29th, 2023 We have to stop putting labels on people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmN6E4_Nyo4
What Always Surprises Me
In the new book Underworld we learn that the largest mountain on earth isn't Everest but one that begins on the ocean floor, that creatures live at depths and under conditions once thought impossible, and that we know less about the
A Minute with Alan® — Colonoscopy
August 28th, 2023 This subject matter might be a bit sensitive for some of you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2waNwIMjJFo