Guest Column: How to ruin the happiest country in the world?
(Note: I was an exchange student in high school, winding up in Finland, where my counterpart would go on to be Finnish Ambassador to Australia and France. I haven't done so bad, either! JP, the author of this piece and
That’s Debatable
When I was in high school you could take "rhetoric" as a class, and join the debate team. One of the features of debate, where one side won and the other lost—there were no "participation trophies"—was that you could be
A Minute with Alan™ — Easter
April 17th, 2023 It’s a very moving experience.
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 4/17/2023
I’m currently banned from LinkedIn for “violating their code of conduct.” They haven’t mentioned what this violation was, they claimed that they doubt I’m really me, and after submitting a passport photo they banned me! (I know I take a
Why Not?
Before you ask "What?" or "How," try asking, "Why?" "Why are you asking me that question?" "Why do you feel that way?" "Why is this the decision you choose to make at this time?" "Why do you feel overwhelmed?" You can't fix a problem or
You’re Guilty Until I Tell You You’re Not
Have you considered that we're constantly eroding a fundamental aspect of freedom, namely, that we're innocent until proved guilty? I'll admit that we haven't been totally in compliance with that tenet, often allowing bias and racism of all kinds to
Give Yourself A Break
A lot of us entrepreneurs are refugees from large organizations. Hell, maybe most of us. We viewed bureaucratic, hierarchical enterprises as unhealthy and unfulfilling (at least I did). To me they resemble prisons, with fixed hours, rules for behavior, penalties,
A Minute with Alan™ — Culture
April 14th, 2023 It’s saddening to think, in the United States, we’re not seriously helping our kids with understanding history, art, and culture.
LinkedIn has now blocked me for three days without any specific reason other than "violating their code of conduct." Maybe that means I'm an intelligent human being who doesn't put up with nonsense and who finds people who ask to