Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 08/15/2022
My book Million Dollar Coaching begins with this exercise: Has anyone ever come to you asking for help or advice? Did you help or advise? If so, did the other person improve? If so, congratulations, you’re a coach. You don’t need
We all make mistakes with clients sooner or later. I've found this sequence to help: • Immediately apologize and show true remorse. If it wasn't you, but an employee or subcontractor, it doesn't matter, the buck stops with you. After acknowledgment and
This Is A Marketing Post
I'm asked frequently, "How much time should I dedicate to marketing?" I'm tempted to say, "ALL of your time." "Marketing," to me, is how people think of you when you're not around. Hence, you need to be in the "public square" as
Avoiding the Parasites
One of my granddaughters went onto our lawn overlooking the Atlantic here in Nantucket last night, and threw pieces of chicken that were left over from dinner onto the grass. Within seconds, two huge herring gulls landed. The second constantly
A Minute With Alan™ — Too Busy to Respond
August 12th, 2022 It’s ridiculous for any business, large or small, to ignore potential customers.
What Are You Afraid Of?
I have a tee-shirt that says, "I drink, I smoke cigars, and I know things." I think it's a "takeoff" from Game of Thrones. I'm not a clinician, but I've been watching people in organizations and as entrepreneurs for decades,
A Minute With Alan™ — Talent
August 11th, 2022 Make the most of the talent you do have.
Try Sand Castles, idiot
In my "Jerk Hall of Shame" are the guys (always guys) who dig deep holes on the beach, in which their kids quickly lose interest, and then never fill them up again, assuming the tide will, even though they're beyond
Too Much Good Business
Tune in to the latest episode of Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® - #252 Too Much Good Business Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform: Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® · Episode 252 - Too Much Good Business