Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 07/25/2022
Pre-covid, I was returning through Heathrow from a very successful London trip. I had stayed at the Marleybone Hotel and had thrown a handful of their great amenities into my carry-on bag. At security, I was singled out, they did some
Why Are All You People Standing Behind Me?
Two tellers are on duty in the bank branch, both with customers, and the line is going out the door, as people are still mechanically social distancing. The customer on the left has a long transaction that finally results with the
Meet Me in Brisbane
We're filling up in Brisbane and the price increases in seven days! Sign up for our great sessions now:
Unless you're a baseball player standing on the mound, or you believe you're living in the 1950s, I suggest you stop using the word "pitch" in the context of sales. "Elevator pitch" will definitely represent you as a dinosaur. These
You Don’t Accept Checks? How Quaint!
"Absolutism" undermines innovation. Even with the dominance of planes for long distance travel, we still have trains. FM radio didn't make AM extinct, but merely moved it toward talk shows instead of music for the most part. People still watch
A Minute With Alan™ — Nihilists and Anarchists
July 22nd, 2022 Some things aren’t funny.
Mental Retribution
If you're successful, do you ever think back about all those people who gave you bad advice, who were condescending, who turned you down even though they were wrong? I have to admit that I do at times. I understand that
A Minute With Alan™ — The Feasible Set
July 21st, 2022 I am going to make your life much easier right now.
#249 True Jobs
Tune in to the latest episode of Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® - #249 True Jobs Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform: Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® · Episode 249 - True Jobs