Thought Leadership
We've completed the third annual Thought Leadership Conference at the Ritz-Carlton in Naples, with our guest presenter this year Meg Wheatley. Next year we feature Dan Pink, author of several books including the best selling Drive at our session in
Destruction Is Not A Stimulus
I've been hearing and reading—supposedly from "experts" who should know better—that the silver lining in this horrible natural disaster that has settled over the Eastern Seaboard is a rise in demolition, construction, and repair jobs. "Contractors are loaded with work,"
Alan’s Friday Wrap® 2013
Join me for 5-minute business analyses weekly that will help your business:
Reality Distortion Or Destruction?
Walter Isaacson describes the phenomenon of "reality distortion" in his stunning biography of Steve Jobs. Essentially, it was Jobs's practice of convincing people that they could do things not based in their own reality, such as providing a technical solution
Alan’s Thought For Today
If you stay in your shell through fear of offending anyone, you'd better get used to the dark. -- Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/29/12
October 29, 2012—Issue #162 This week's focus point: I just had the opportunity to hear a popular consultant and author deliver her thoughts on what amounts to unremitting gloom. Her advice was to find people who share a
Alan’s Thought For Today
You passion shouldn't be to "consult" or "coach" or "teach." Those are centered on you. Your passion should be to improve others, to help others excel. When your passion is focused on others, you'll tend to be sought out and