Ahoy! Who’s Running this Ship?
I tell every consultant whom I mentor to assume the client is “healthy.” That is, the client isn’t “damaged” until and unless you see evidence that the client is the problem: screaming at subordinates, lying to colleagues, cheating on expenses.
How to Manage Up in A Down World
Top 10 Tips For Managing Up in a Top Down World by Roberta Matuson It may seem unnatural to manage those above you in the top-down world of business. But mastering this skill is exactly what must be done to excel
Alan’s Friday Wrap™ Begins This Week!
My first Alan's Friday Wrap™ podcast in on Friday of this week. These are weekly, with a monthly video, and a free, full-day conference on May 9 in Las Vegas. You can register at any time, and you'll always have
Running Start
What should you do to get a running start now that 2011 is here? The first tip is to stop procrastinating and the others
Free Newsletter on Consulting and Related Services
I am offering a new, FREE, monthly newsletter for those interested in building their professional consulting, speaking, and related professional services careers. There is no obligation of any kind, and your name and email address will never be used for
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 01/03/11
January 3, 2011—Issue #68 This week’s focus point: On this first Monday in 2011 keep in mind that the economy is rebounding, the worst and most dire predictions have not come true, and there is great need for the
The Public Library
My library is supposed to be for quiet contemplation. But the girls like to share Koufax's library dog bed. He seems to enjoy the company.
Why Consulting Is So Easy
I use a framing store for the certificates I hand out in sessions such as my Million Dollar Consulting® College. For December's College, my wife took the certificates from the calligrapher to the framer, but the owner told her that