Curb Presence
What does curb appeal really mean and what does it have to do with your attire, fitness, language command, knowledge and wit? Listen to Alan discuss this fascinating topic and sympathy vs. empathy. And finally Robert Redford and Senator Ted
Well, Linked in is down already, can't access my home page, I suspect because a question posted by John McCain has shorted all its circuits with people responding. Some network. Good thing the electrical grid doesn't work like that. (Or
Join Me on Linkedin!
Since I have riled so many people with my comments on social media (doing so on a blog, no less), I've decided to find out what all the fuss is about and become a social media guru myself. So, join
The Write Stuff
I’m at the National Speakers Convention in The Big Apple, which is unusually good this year. Marshall Goldsmith and Steve Forbes were two of the keynoters, and they were superb. This morning, Bill Strickland told his story of transforming the
Three Inducted Into Mentor Hall of Fame
August 4, 2008 For Immediate Release Three Inducted Into Million Dollar Consultant® Mentor Hall of Fame Three outstanding consultants from diverse disciplines have been inducted into the Million Dollar Consultant® Hall of Fame. Criteria for membership in this elite group are: • Serving as an
The Personal Trainer
I had begun working out when I hit 50 as part of an agreement with myself not to completely freak-out over the overpowering nature of that number. (Other agreements included a very fast car and permission not to learn to
Waiting for Service
There’s a book out (which I am not publicizing here) from a restaurant waiter who had been doing an anonymous blog. The “angle” is that he “discloses” what the wait staff does to customers whom they don’t like, such as
The Psychology of Doom
Let me talk to you about what I call the “psychology of doom.” This occurs when problems are encountered and people immediately assume the worst for themselves, for those around them, and for the country. I heard a speaker a
Million Dollar Consulting Tops Poll
Million Dollar Consulting topped a list of books preferred by members of the Institute of Management Consultants in a current poll: The July 15 Daily Tip presented a list of our favorite books on consulting and asked readers for their own
What’s Wrong With This Picture?
A psychic needing to use a cell phone. A jogger running with his dog and a sack of crap in their hands. How many people do they mean when you see the "Men Working" highway sign? You will have to