A Minute with Alan™ — Success
June 1st, 2023 It’s about success, not perfection. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGX5fqVVgu4
Respect vs. Affection
When your priority is to be "liked" you will find yourself constantly compromising to achieve your desired levels of affection, Moreover, your communications will be dishonest at times, with a reluctance to give others harsh but accurate feedback and their
A Minute with Alan™ — First, Do No Harm
May 31st, 2023 Improve the client’s condition. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1W20UGC0i0
The Folly of Hourly Billing
I pioneered value based fees for consultants in the late 90s and my book, Value Based Fees, (Wiley) is now in its third edition and on audible. I first published the concept in the original Million Dollar Consulting (McGraw-Hill) in
A Minute with Alan™ — Exceptionalism
May 30th, 2023 Exceptionalism is important. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnyB8RdsbsQ
Evolution or Not?
Apparently, long ago in Africa, rival tribes would line up their fiercest warriors on a hill, armed with spears and shields, and would shout insults at their enemies on the next hill, who would reciprocate. After a decent amount of
A Minute with Alan™ — Bye, Bye, Baby, Goodbye
May 29th, 2023 It’s a whole new world, and we better get used to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3kA5MkErVc
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 5/29/2023
The Cemetery at Normandy. Let us value all those who gave “their last full measure of devotion” (Lincoln). Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism. —George Washington This is the day we pay homage to all those