Driving for Better and Worse
Here in London, the streets are often very narrow, confusing, and hard to navigate (especially around all the Rolls Royces). Some two-way streets allow only room for one car at a time in either direction. And then there are the
A Minute with Alan™ — Therapy
November 30th, 2022 Success, not perfection. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBV5P-AuiN0
Generalize and Thrive
You can certainly be an "expert" and also be a "generalist." Peter Drucker's expertise was strategy, which he pretty much "invented" at GM, but the application of his strategic processes applied to any industry, any profession. In most cases, the
A Minute with Alan™ — Send in the Clowns
November 29th, 2022 It’s time to send in the clowns. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY-vQf--IOA
Are You on Jupiter?
The automated response that you "can't answer your email because you're out of the country" reminds me of "days of yore" when there were no good phone connections. I don't care where you are these days, you can answer your
I’ll Get to the Conference Once We Refuel the Jet
We focus on grand causes and demand action, but we are hypocrites because we do nothing in areas where we could. The analogy would be that we’re not merely lazy in having a television remote control, we are frustrated when
A Minute with Alan™ — What’s Up Doc?
November 28th, 2022 When I was young doctors made house calls. https://youtu.be/V9tNrQsV5oY
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 11/28/2022
There are some sports that I cannot fathom. In Australia they play netball (restricted to women), which is like basketball without a backboard (which is like a bagel without cream cheese) and has a whistle blown for a foul every
A Good Ride
Taxis in London are driven by people who speak English well, aren't trying to eat while they drive, aren't carrying on raging conversations on the phone, signal when they turn, don't need GPS to lead them to the destination, are