Your Mental Wardrobe
We change our clothing with current styles, adapt to new dining choices, readily try "in-spots" for vacations or entertainment. But we don't readily change our thinking and beliefs. I love my colleague Marshal Goldsmith's observation: "What got you here won't get
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 08/23/2021
I was riding the waves in Nantucket as I always do. This time, when I returned to the beach, both my legs had a strong tingling sensation. I took a few seconds, it didn't go away, there was nothing visible,
How Could They Have Not Invented the Internet in the 19th Century?
If you were alive at the time of people truly believing the earth was flat, wouldn't you make decisions based on that belief? Eventually, someone challenged it and didn't sail over the edge (some astronomers had figured it out but
Come On, Man: The Return of the Wandering Buyers
If you believe the ridiculous canard that no buyers are around for sales potential over the summer (here in the Northern Hemisphere) then I guess you're really gearing up to be aggressive again in the next month, right? And certainly
Failure Is Inevitable
If you want to overcome fears, ask yourself, "Truly, what's the worse that can happen and what's the probability?" Have someone help you, to ensure you're being rational. Writing something, speaking on stage, meeting a prospective client—these are not life threatening
Episode 201 – Things That Make Me Crazy
Tune in to the latest episode of Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth™ - Episode 201 - Things That Make Me Crazy. Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform:
Does Locking Down A Country Make Sense?
New Zealand had a recent case of someone positive for Covid and now is in its toughest lockdown in over a year. Jacinda Ardern, the much-praised Prime Minister, had embarked on a strategy all along of eradication, not trying to
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 08/18/2021
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™: Louche
Make A Note of That
I take my Filofax to the beach and pool. I keep it safely in my tote bag (as a lot of you know I don't keep notes or calendar dates electronically and, hence, am faster than everyone else). I do