Restaurant Rhetoric
Some lighter fare for today: Have you noticed the idiotic phrases entering the restaurant business over the past couple of years? It’s as if they’ve all been exposed to bad fish. “Are you still enjoying your meal?” staring at an empty plate.
Episode 173: Football Lessons
Playing to win is not as obvious as you may think or, unfortunately, practice. Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform: Oh, that's American football, by the way.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 02/03/20
Today's word: banausic.
How is it that the birds here seem to thrive in the winter? They have zero protection, maybe a rudimentary nest or tree notch, snow covers the grass, winds whip through the vegetation under icy conditions. But they make it
An Abundance of….
We had four inches of snow overnight while the media weather gurus were, of course, predicting much more, and schools were closing, pickups delayed, deliveries postponed, and so forth. A lot of people cancelled important appointments and meetings, and businesses
Web Site or Blog?
Your web site is for others' investigation. Your blog is for your instigation.
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 02/01/2021
Somewhere in 1982, John Naisbitt published Megatrends, with one of the most prescient predictions of all time: High Tech/High Touch. He meant that technology would never replace the need for human interaction and, in fact, made it more important than
Looking Through the Glass
Some glass is transparent. You can see through it. Some is translucent. You can see vaguely through it. And some glass in opaque. You can't see what's on the other side. When people have agendas (abortion, immigration, vaccination, the "right," the
High Tech/High Touch
I'm wondering how many marriages have been saved by GPS, with no more fights over stopping to ask for directions. Seems to me it should be part of the wedding vows: "To have and hold, to use GPS, in sickness