Episode 167: The Vaccine
We need more than a couple of shots in the arm. Listen to this episode on iTunes or Soundcloud! The COVID-19 vaccines are being given to the people who need them most: front-line workers. Let's talk about the "side-effects" that we'll start seeing
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 12/23/20
Today's word: antipodal.
Footprints in the snow look very profound and clear, as if you could track whomever came that way and find them at any time. Until the snow melts or the next snow fall covers the tracks. Then you have no idea. So
One of the Team
If you really want to appear as part of the client's team and a partner of the buyer, stop parking in the "visitors" parking spaces.
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 12/21/2020
Christmas now approaches. Families are struggling to decide how to get together, even IF to get together. My son, his wife, a friend, and their dog just drove here from LA. They arrived, isolated for a day, took Covid tests
I’m Dreaming of A Better New Year
Irving Berlin, the amazing songwriter, was Jewish. He wrote White Christmas in 1942, while sitting amongst the palm trees in snowless southern California. Bing Crosby's original version alone sold 50 million copies, and other versions created total sales of 100
Archimedes said, "Give me a lever and I can move the world." Find the lever that will move your buyer to begin immediately. The probability is that it will be more personal than organizational.
You Don’t Have to Call Me “Doctor.” “The Prince” is fine.
Joseph Epstein, who is an American writer and editor and author of quite a few books, recently wrote an incendiary column published in the Wall Street Journal op ed page, castigating Dr. Jill Biden for using "doctor" as an honorific, even though
Episode 166: The Chief
How to get rich in law enforcement in a small town. Listen to this episode on iTunes or Soundcloud! Let's talk about the chief in Massachusetts. Why does he earn more than most chiefs in law enforcement compared to other cities?