Organize Your Life and Business for the New World
Join me on May 21 for a livestream event: How to Organize Your Time, Priorities, and Life in A New World: We're emerging. Are you?
Episode 133: A Conversation With Lisa Larter (The Best Damn Technology Marketing Strategist On Earth)
For this special edition of The Uncomfortable Truth, I sit down with marketing strategist, Lisa Larter. Learn about the state of social media and relevant online marketing strategies to improve your reach, influence and business.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 04/29/20
Today's word: titivate.
If Not Now, When?
I think a lot of people, from business owners to consumers, from investors to entrepreneurs, will be receptive to the question, "If not now, when?" This isn't a time for savings, it's a time for growth. This isn't a time
I’m Underwhelmed by “Overwhelm”
"Overwhelm" is a state of mind, not a fact of life. It means "to inundate" or "to have too much of something." But who determines how much is "too much"? I spoke to a prospect recently who told me she was
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 04/27/2020
Churchill said that "We build our houses and then they build us." He was referring to Parliament and its structural restraints. But, as always, he was providing a wonderful insight into the folly of our beliefs. "Build it and they will
Alan Weiss, RI (Rhode Island)
If you're putting "MA" after your name, not to denote Massachusetts as your home, but to indicate "master of arts," you're trying too hard. It hurts more than i helps.
Field of Reality
Everyone loves to quote the movie Field of Dreams where a ballfield is built in a cornfield and when questioned about the location, the mythical protagonist says, "Build it and they will come." I have news for you, that is false,
What Are YOU Building?
There's the old, weary story about one person who says he's laying bricks and the other who says, "I'm building a cathedral." The idea is supposedly that you're more motivated when recognizing a larger purpose. But my reaction has always