Listen Up!
The first 90 seconds of your speech will determine how closely people will listen after that. You'd better capture their attention right from the outset or you'll be competing with email, lunch choices, and car loans for the rest of the
You Get What You Pay For
Anyone who seeks out a coach or advisor based on price and not talent and value doesn't deserve a coach and won't benefit from a good one. This includes the entire human resources function in almost every organization.
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 03/18/19
I'm fascinated with the arguments about transgender people engaging in athletics. Renée Richards, an ophthalmologist and professional male tennis player, underwent male-to-female sex reassignment and competed as a woman in the 1976 US open. This caused a furor at the
On Having the Right Spirit
If you've just emerged from church and don't allow me to merge into exiting traffic, I don't think you've learned a whole lot, though I forgive you. If you've never gone to church but pause to pick up a discarded playbill
Who’s the Person Who Knocked the Door Off the Hinges?
Friends, you only have one first impression, which is critical in business. Don't enter a room, a meeting, a phone call with a prospect merely trying to catch up or, worse, interrogating the buyer. Come out of the blocks roaring,
The Dog Star: Fearlessness
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. —Astrological Definition) Coco, our "puppy," is easily scared by a sudden noise or the
An advisory to consultants on how to deal with your clients: Are they prepared for emergencies and crises? I don't think Boeing was, though being in their business you'd think they'd be. Most people can't put on an aircraft life vest
Why You Are Needed
Do you hear from some prospects, "We can do this ourselves"? Well, aside from the fact that if they could they would have already, consider these: • University admission bribery scandals • Vacillation over whether to ground Boeing MAX 737s • Brexit's total ambiguity
Episode 75: Misproportion
Uncovering where we fail to get the proper return on our energy and how it undermines us. This one concept could make a major difference in your business and life.