Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 8/15/18
Today's word: moue.
Want to Race Me?
So now we have a "non-judgmental" gym in Scottsdale, which doesn't provide any scales. We've had schools abandon "top ten" lists for scholars, and end the practice of valedictorians. Then there are kids who get "participation awards" for just showing up, irrespective
The Weight of Political Correctness
This is from reader Doug MacKenzie and demonstrates the bizarre edge we teeter on with people who believe they're on some higher moral plane: "Alan—hope you are enjoying summer. I thought you might enjoy this vignette about how pc has turned
Here Today, Gone This Evening
A client relationship, no matter how strong, can vanish overnight through no fault of yours. Buyers, technology, competitors, and a host of other variables can all change beyond your power to do much about it. Never allow any one client to
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 8/13/18
Some time ago, a beautiful supermodel was on a morning talk show hawking a cosmetic line. She mentioned “foundation” which I’m thinking is a sort of base covering, and said, “Of course, I, personally, don’t need foundation.” At that point,
Who’s In Charge Here?
Here's the deal: If your client is in the insurance business, for example, you don't tell the buyer how to create insurance products and the buyer doesn't tell you how to consult. Stop trying to please the buyer by conforming with
If you want to go "the extra mile" you still have to complete the first one.
I Don’t Care How You Work
I don't care how my computer works, I care that I can create email, write books, and calculate my finances. I don't care how medicine works, I care that it can improve my health. I don't care how my phone works, I
Unintended Consequences (The Power of Bird Brains)
The sprinklers finish their job around 6:15 am here in Nantucket. There are 15 pieces of slate that form a walkway to the pool gate, each surrounded on all sides by grass. So the sprinklers create small "pools" on the