This is our first morning in Nantucket this year that isn't bathed in sunshine. There's substantial fog, here on the beach, which I think is caused by cooler air being swept in over warmer water. It has its own allure.
Episode 44: The Great Fork in the Road
You can take a fork or ignore a fork, you have to choose a side. There's almost always a better way, and you need to be able to admit this fact of life to yourself if you want to experience growth.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 8/08/18
Today's word: iatrogenic
This Is Only For Those Who Are Reading This
Some guy wrote to tell me that my blog doesn't draw as many people as it should because I don't do whatever it was he suggested I do and write about. Another guy told me that one of my FREE newsletters
Be Careful Out There
When I began my first job out of college at Prudential Insurance, my boss ran a 400-person division, where I would be a supervisor. He took me aside to look at all 400 and he said, "Kid, X percent of
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 8/06/18
I'm repeating this from my Facebook post on August 3, our 50th wedding anniversary. We're in Nantucket, as we always are this time of year, and we planned nothing special because for 50 years, every day has been special. 50 years
If You Want Privacy, Keep It To Yourself
Among the great hypocrisies of the day is that so many people crave privacy and object to cameras, recordings, and disclosure of their lives, the same lives which they display in often revolting detail on social media. Hospitals have to
50 Years of Marriage
The true secret of a long and happy marriage is knowing when to keep your mouth shut. It sounds easy but is extremely difficult. I've found that it works well in coaching, also!
Dr. Livingston, I Presume?
We went to a cavernous store called REI yesterday to buy stuff for our Safari next month. They're very nice folks, have a huge staff, and they're actually a co-op. Suddenly, we're members. The puddle jumper taking us from Johannesburg to