If You Don’t Agree With Me There’s Something Wrong With You
It's fine to tell someone you think they're wrong about an issue, and demonstrate why you feel that way with evidence and reasoning. It's not fine to tell someone they're damaged just because they don't agree with you ("You don't get
The Fallacy of the Second Meeting
In successful projects I've had among the Fortune 1000, I estimate that I was able to get approval for the buyer to receive my proposal by the end of the first meeting about 85% or more of the time, The
Higher Tech, Higher Touch
I purchased the iPhone X because I enjoy having the latest Apple phone and I bought Apple originally at $17, the best investment in my history. So, I'm kind of loyal. The phone came with a minute set of suggestions for
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 12/04/17
There's nothing like being there. A blizzard, a hurricane, a lightning storm—these are hard to describe adequately, no matter how gifted your speech, and impossible to personally experience in absentia, no matter how perceptive your hearing. For example, we hear a lot
“This Survey Should Only Take About 20 Minutes and We’ll Put You In A Raffle”
Almost every survey I receive I ignore, because they are too long, try to serve too many objectives, and are basically asking me for a favor. I tend to respond when I'm just asked a few questions and I can
What Arena Are You In?
Maimi, with one loss, was trounced by Clemson last night 38-3. Sometimes, no matter what your record, what matters most is the level of the competition. Champions have to win consistently, not just against weaker teams. The year the Miami Dolphins went
You Seem Changed
Returned home after a trip and my desk top computer notified me that Microsoft Office had corrupted and had to build a "new identity." I clicked on the button, and two minutes later I had a "new identity" and things