Bizarro World (It’s Not Your Mother’s Fault)
For those of you unfamiliar, "Bizarro" originated in the Superman Comics and was revived on Seinfeld. Essentially, it means "polar opposite," so there was an evil anti-Superman, an anti-Earth, and so on. However, it may not be strictly fictional or, alternatively,
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 3/31/14
This week's focus point: I'm thinking of Y2K, acid rain, more people than food, killer bees, disappearing bees, food dyes, eggs are bad for you (they can be good), meat is bad for you (it can be good), red wine
The Dog Star: Going First
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. – Astrological Definition) I've made it a habit on the stairs to simply move
UCOs: Unidentified Calling Objects
There is some delusional guy leaving messages and using my name as a reference, who claims that his wife and parents and relatives are diplomats, circus performers, celebrities, and aliens. He also has the secret technology to save humankind. Believe
Dumb-Ass Stupid Management: Welcome to the 18th Century
In 1754 the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews was founded. In 2014, they're voting on whether or not to admit women as members. That's only 2.5 centuries for them to get to that, perhaps. What world are we living
How Do You Begin Your Day?
If you begin your day worried about paying bills, finding business, and meeting "quotas" you're going to behave as if you're trying to get money from people and be hesitant about calling them because they don't want their money taken. If
Thou Shalt
Most corporate rules tell you what you cannot do, are prohibited from doing, and shall refrain from doing. That extends right down to small business, where the door is often plastered with "no shoes, no shirt, no service," or "no
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 3/24/14
This week's focus point: I read all the requests for "likes" on Facebook, and even recommendations for how to solicit more of them. They may be harmless enough, but I wonder if they're replacing the fact that many people don't