A woman named Sprinkel asked me a question on Twitter that was impossible to answer in 140 characters, so I suggested she use email. Just responding to her question was a favor. Instead of thanking me, she informed me that if
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 9/9/13
September 9, 2013—Issue #207 This week's focus point: Latvians, looking to strike back at Russia for state-sponsored homophobia, chose to boycott Stolichnaya vodka. The only problem is that Stoli is made in Latvia, not Russia! They launched a
In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking
• "Hell on Wheels" officially jumped the shark this past Saturday night. U.S. Grant arrives to sit in on a meeting? The writers are out of gas. • The only distinction among all the women providing business, traffic, and weather reports
You, First
Do you want to help others? Then help yourself. Stop feeling guilty because you have something that someone else doesn't. Stop feeding the victimization mentality that claims people are owed something event though they choose not to contribute anything. Stop allowing
Made My Day
Dear Alan, Thank you for the "Writing on the Wall" videos. They have inspired me to finally take some bold actions. I lost a breast to cancer 5 years ago and it has been quite a journey since then. During that time
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 9/2/13
September 2, 2013—Issue #206 This week's focus point: I'm not quite sure why killing civilians with gas is more heinous than killing them with missiles fired at residential neighborhoods, which the Assad regime has done. It's also difficult
Dangerous Driving in Nantucket
If you park in restricted areas, they tow your car, break your bones, and then fine you. My car tops out at 205 MPH, so I paid to use their airborne ramp: © Alan Weiss 2013
First Time In The Buyer’s Office
Some common sense in the buyer's office for a first meeting: • Don't sit anywhere until you're invited to do so and the buyer indicates where. • Shake hands firmly, not bone-crunching, but not limp, with a man or a woman. • Don't
I advocate never assuming the other person is "damaged" unless you find evidence to the contrary, such as lies, deceit, undermining, and so forth. I ran into a guy who's like a porcupine (although I mean no disrespect to Erethizon dorsatum).