Cartoonist Wanted
I'm still in need of a cartoonist who can draw strips for me featuring dogs. I've had some responses, but nothing has panned out. In any case, if you know of anyone interested with experience in the area please have them
50 Things To Do When You Turn 50
Garrison Keillor, Diane Von Furstenberg, Bobbi Brown, Suze Orman, Marianne Williamson, Erica Jong, Harold Kushner, and Alan Weiss. We're just some of the 50 authors allotted about six pages each in this clever book. It's edited by Ronnie Sellers. Proceeds go
John Weathington Interviews Alan Weiss
Listen to this outstanding podcast and to John Weathington Interviewing Dr. Alan Weiss. Learn how Alan uses the power of language through role plays and how to master the conversation. [podcast][/podcast] and now also on iTunes
Toyota, the Weather, and Alan’s Rant
Apparently, Toyota has known of many of its problems for years. Deaths have occurred, and Toyota has blamed the placement of floor mats. But now, under testimony, Toyota has had to admit that it first authorized repairs and new designs
World Class Dumb Responses and Questions
ME: What kind of cheese do you put on the cheeseburger? Waitress: Melted, sir. Worker: Your father was hurt on the job this morning! My Mother: Where is he hurt?! Worker: On 32nd street. Me: Drive up to coffee shop in a blue Ferrari convertible. Customer:
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 2/08/10
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo®’s mission is to help readers to thrive. February 08, 2010—Issue #21 This week’s focus point: Success always trumps perfection. My best pharmaceutical clients, for example, sought world-class chemists, but not world-class accountants. You don't need every software
Wall Street Journal Misses the Boat
Today, the fourth section of the Wall Street Journal carried a lead article by Richard Greenwald, a professor and dean at Drew University in New Jersey, about how to make it as a solo consultant. At the risk of driving