Improving Marketing Materials
How about your marketing material, are you getting your buyers' attention? Does it pass the test of so what? Alan clarifies the major flaws that exist and what to do about them. Click on arrow below for podcast to start [podcast][/podcast] Click Here
Why All Those Consultants Have Raised Fees
Alan, Right now here at RainToday and Wellesley Hills Group we’re analyzing the results of our “Fees and Pricing in Consulting” survey and working to create the report. We asked one question about how much your fees have gone up
Ambushed by Internet
As I’ve grown older I’ve decided to spend less time with people or things that annoy me, and more time with those that provide joy. I’ve also found it rather energizing to express dissatisfaction rather than stewing about it. All that
The Electrician
What one critical question should you ask to verify your client is correct? Find out the answer to this question and also what are the three kinds of verification? Click on arrow below for podcast to start [podcast][/podcast] Click Here for entire podcast
Note: I'm posting an article which I've recently posted on my private web site, Alan's Forums. I thought it would be of interest here, and I also wanted to demonstrate the kinds of issues debated there 24/7 globally. If you're
Okay, but what do you REALLY charge by the hour?
A guy writes me today who sat through a three-hour talk I gave on value-based fees not too long ago. He wanted to know how much I really charge for an "average month of consulting" and how many hours I
Consulting Opportunity
I’m looking for someone who has experience in actually performing or managing vendors in customer data cleansing and enrichment for very large customer databases (~3-5 million customers) to collaborate on a project. Please contact Curtis Bingham of Predictive Consulting Group
Oh, Those Billable Hours!
Here is some great food for thought from Timothy Wilson: Alan, In reading your blog today the following made me laugh: 3. “Your time is your value. One guy at a conference, whose name I saw on one of these
Amateur Hour
Every morning I receive Google Alerts telling me where my name or Million Dollar Consulting and similar phrases of mine are used. Most of the time I find very complimentary citations, rarely I find someone ripping me off (who is
You Are Not Taking Me With You
Do you hate your job, despise the government, disgusted with your weight and the relationship you are in? Are you disappointed with everyone and everything around you? So what should you do about it? Listen to this podcast and find