Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 09/26/2022
I stopped at the bank on Saturday, and found a guy parking his SUV across three diagonal spaces. He didn’t have the patience or caring to maneuver the vehicle, which came in through the wrong entrance, so he left it
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 09/19/2022
“If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.” Yes, but: There are 12 kinds of ducks with varying habits. Which one are you looking at? “Eats like a bird.” In that case, get out your
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 09/12/2022
Every time we go to the beach (or, in New Jersey, the “shore”), adults and kids alike are digging in the sand. Some people simply dig holes (This is their idea of a vacation?) but the ones who really intrigue
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 09/05/2022
So now we have “quiet quitting”! Tell me the truth—don’t you find this somewhat ironic with Labor Day upon us?! There’s the “great resignation,” “the gig economy,” and now “quiet quitting.” All of these seem to me to represent a ferocious
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 08/29/2022
A “heuristic” is a framework which enables us to make decisions by ourselves. We rely on them daily to reach quick solutions. We hear this often in the admonition, “go with your gut.” We may depend on heuristics to choose
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 08/22/2022
Somewhere around the ages of 8-12 I did what all the boys did in our urban setting. We tried out for Little League. (When you were older, it was the Babe Ruth League.) This was a rite of passage in
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 08/15/2022
My book Million Dollar Coaching begins with this exercise: Has anyone ever come to you asking for help or advice? Did you help or advise? If so, did the other person improve? If so, congratulations, you’re a coach. You don’t need
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 08/08/2022
Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) is an impulse-control disorder. You can recognize it by sudden episodes of unwarranted anger. People with IED experience “explosions” of anger with minor issues or with no provocation at all. “Normal” anger is healthy. We all become angry when
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 08/01/2022
About a half-century ago (I'm not kidding) the "nine-dot puzzle" appeared (origins murky) which dared someone to connect all nine dots (three rows of three) with a single line. And the only way to do this was by stretching the
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 07/25/2022
Pre-covid, I was returning through Heathrow from a very successful London trip. I had stayed at the Marleybone Hotel and had thrown a handful of their great amenities into my carry-on bag. At security, I was singled out, they did some