The Times headline this morning reported the country "convulsed" over impeachment. I'm in Manhattan at the moment, and I can't find any convulsing. It looks like business as usual. "Eye of the beholder," I guess.
Priority Time
Your priorities each day are to fill your business pipeline and convert pipeline potential into actual business. If you're spending your days on blog posts, newsletters, social media, software backups, and surfing, you're probably very busy but not very productive.
Get in Line and Fill Out the Form
People claim there are no perpetual motion machines, and that the law of entropy requires gradual decline into disorder. Well, I have a news break for you: Bureaucracies exist mainly to perpetuate themselves and have become highly adept in so
Planning the Deck Chairs
There is no "perfect time" to do something. If it's important, simply do it. Don't get involved in elaborate plans, stay light on your feet, and make changes as you proceed. I believe that's called "agility." The sarcastic statement is about
What Time Is It?
I love people who arrive late, disrupt everyone else asking what they missed, and bring their breakfast with them to eat in the session. These are not people who are going to be charismatic leaders later in life. They're not
People have "humility" all wrong. It's not about lessening yourself. It's about elevating others.
The Devil Didn’t Make Me Do It
When I find someone who's very easy to talk to, and with whom I'd like to speak again, I also ask myself, "Why is that? Is there something I can learn from this?" If you want to find out how best
You Can’t Sell If No One Is Listening
Stop kidding yourself. If you're not actively in front of buyers—whether existing ones, past ones, or new ones—you're not going to build your business. No amount of blogging, newsletters, software updates, association meetings, or home study is going to change
Make It Worth While to Get There
It's more than ironic that so many consultants spend time and energy trying to save $2,500 on a plane ticket and hardly focus at all on how they can provide additional value to obtain another $25,000 in their proposals.
No One Catches Every Pass
Penn State's football team remained undefeated yesterday when, in the final seconds, a Michigan State receiver dropped a touchdown pass. His teammates consoled him and rallied around him. It's only a damn game. You need to "rally" when you don't make