Independence Day
Declare your independence today from guilt, fear, doubt, and self-limiting beliefs. Revolutionize your thinking.
Give Me Some Air
It's fine to put your own oxygen mask on first before attempting to help others. It's not at all fine to put your own oxygen mask on first and watch others suffer. The first is healthy selfishness, the second is pure malice.
This Will Improve Your Persuasion by 100%
If you want to present a new idea—new IP—don't begin by justifying it, by citing other authorities, or other works, or your credentials. Start with the excitement of what the idea will do for the other person. In other words, act
I’m Just Sayin’
There are two sports in which I've never wanted to participate: sumo wrestling and golf. In a pinch, with a gun to my head, I'd go for the former.
Top of the Morning to You
I'm on a 6:15 am train out of New York headed home. I love the early morning, No one has had a chance yet to be in a bad mood (except for the chronically unhappy). People seldom say, "Good afternoon,"
Everywhere But One
A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin and in his own house. The Gospel of Mark, chapter 6, verse 4. I try to keep this in mind!
If Not Now, When?
I like to challenge people who aren't ready to move (but really ought to move NOW) with: "If not now, when?" There never is a perfect time, and there is no time like the present. Here's a question to ponder today:
Wait, I’m on THIS Team?
I see some eyes roll when I put people into small groups and some are thinking, "Great, I'm not going to learn anything with these people!" Of course, an entirely different reaction might be, "Great, how can I help these
Don't sell "business," sell value. Don't cite deliverables, cite results. Don't talk about prices, talk about ROI. Is that really so difficult?
Happy Easter and Happy Passover
I'm taking this moment to wish you a Happy Easter and a Happy Passover and, if you don't observe these special holidays, a rewarding day of reflection, insight, and peace. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone could shed their sins, biases,